
why flowers and learning are great.

One time there was a man at the grocery store and the first time I saw him....
He was very blatantly telling his girlfriend she was wrong.
Then a minute or two later I could hear that same man explaining...
Why he does not buy her flowers. "I'm just not that kind of guy"
Dear future husband, be that kind of guy.
The sweet kind.
The kind that gives me flowers... even just wildflowers.
The kind who gives me kisses.
The kind that builds me up.

The good kind.

But regardless,
I spent some time with my sister this weekend.
[[mostly my entire Sunday]]
and I love being over there.
I love her.
She's great.
Any of you that follow her already know.
But we talked about things that matter.
And things that don't.

And moderation.
And love.
And loving yourself.
And husbands.

And I left feeling more balanced... and stable about my life than when I came.
I still have so much to learn in this short little lifetime.
But I'm loving to learn everyday .
I feel like new worlds are constantly being opened to me. 
I hope it never stops.

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