Meet my spicy roommates.
First, we have Kathryn the old cat lady:
to think that everything she is wearing is mine is quite the frightening thought.
Kathryn loves the funny costumes... she's been a bat, a loofa, and attempted a rubix cube.
The old cat lady costume fit right in to all of that.
After the initial pictures, we had to get a little bit more creative,
so naturally, Kathryn grabbed a bag of toilet paper rolls.
Fitting? Let's go with it.
Lauren was wonderwoman so she just looked sassy, mostly.
Her normal and theme picture were combined into one:
What can we say? She is wonderwoman.
I was a ladybug.
I know you can't see my wings....but, trust me here.
When it comes to Halloween, I have a whole box of outfits.
I outfit myself and plenty of others.
So my costumes never really have rhyme or reason,
they just happen to be whatever I'm feeling at the moment.
Moral of the story: I was feeling ladybug-esque last night.
[interpret as you will]
We love each other a whole heck of a lot.
We loved our fourth roommate too, but she was off and getting engaged last night.
Suuuupper exciting!
Forgive the horrible lighting,
but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
Happy Halloween :)
Love Always,
Taylor Ann